Howdy folks! Yes, I'm still here. Saudades demais. I made my first bolo de cenoura to eat while we are watching Brasil vs Chile today. Recipe from Tudo Gostoso, using the blender (SO Brazilian) and vague directions (3 unidades de cenoura? And what size is a xícara de chá?) We are missing Brazil and friends a lot. I've often thought about writing but, well....I've only had one mango since I've been back and it's not been so tasty. We are transitioning, adapting, learning and figuring out how to live life here. Beijos to everyone!
Belo Horizonte (pronounced bell-oh oar-ee-zonch) is the the 3rd largest city in Brazil and is almost completely unknown to the outside world.
How to contact me
I can't promise that I will respond quickly, and I can't promise that I will have the answers to your questions, but if you'd like to reach me, you can email me at srkelz (at) gmail (dot) com.