hehehe. sometimes portuguese mistakes work to your advantage though---i once called our friend, who is a lawyer, an abacaxi because my tongue got tied looking for advogado, which made me think of abacate, which for some reason made abacaxi come out of my mouth (i think caipirinhas were involved) BUT everyone laughed and thought i was clever because abacaxi means "a problem" so in the end i was a dumb smarty pants :P
Great, great post! In French, I mixed up cheveux and chevaux -- hairs and horses. You'd be surprised how often I had an opportunity to amuse. Your pictures are truly wonderful.
Belo Horizonte (pronounced bell-oh oar-ee-zonch) is the the 3rd largest city in Brazil and is almost completely unknown to the outside world.
How to contact me
I can't promise that I will respond quickly, and I can't promise that I will have the answers to your questions, but if you'd like to reach me, you can email me at srkelz (at) gmail (dot) com.
hehehe. sometimes portuguese mistakes work to your advantage though---i once called our friend, who is a lawyer, an abacaxi because my tongue got tied looking for advogado, which made me think of abacate, which for some reason made abacaxi come out of my mouth (i think caipirinhas were involved) BUT everyone laughed and thought i was clever because abacaxi means "a problem" so in the end i was a dumb smarty pants :P
ReplyDeleteGreat, great post! In French, I mixed up cheveux and chevaux -- hairs and horses. You'd be surprised how often I had an opportunity to amuse. Your pictures are truly wonderful.