Thursday, November 4, 2010

What Beatrice has been chanting for months

Yesterday at work, I heard a little girl singing the same song that Beatrice has been chanting for months. I've been trying to figure out what it is, and the teacher's assistant told me the name! I'll put it in both Portuguese and English:

Atirei o pau no gato,
Mas o gato não morreu
Dona Chica, admirou-se
Do berro que o gato deu. Miau!

I threw a stick at the cat,
But the cat did not die
Mrs. Chica, was astonished
At the cat's scream. Meow!


  1. Kevin loves this one too. However, this and other Portuguese nursey rhymes are being revised due to political correctness. Now the song on the Xuxa CD does not have the cat die, rather it is called and does not come. I heard at a party this weekend that some schools are considering banning Montero Lobato, arguing that he is racist, because he called Tia Anastacia "preta"! This is akin to banning Uncle Remus. It is a shame, given that Mntero Lobato is one of the few Brazilian authors of childrens' stories.

  2. Dear Shelley,

    The version on your link is Hillarious, it is not a Brazilian version, it is from Portugual, I didn't even know they had it over there, I thought it was a Brazilian song.
    Here is a Brazilian version:

  3. Ha! My Portuguese is so bad I wouldn't know the difference! Thanks for giving me the link.
